Monday, November 30, 2009


Some have mentioned that they think I'm being insulting to my father by calling him an old man at heart. This comment was never intended as an insult, and is merely something I've noticed in my nearly 25 years of acquaintance with the man.

My family's reaction to this video:

My dad thought it was really funny.

My mom thought it was funny too.
"But you know what is not funny? The looks of the couch."

The loveseat is where I like to pile my stuff when I come over, and catching that in the video makes her embarrassed.

I also didn't come out and say it, but my father is very good at bowling IRL. I did mention the three 300s he has bowled.

If you aren't familiar with the sport, a 300 is a perfect game, all strikes, a lifetime goal of many.

His first one was bowled on a Friday the 13th.

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